An oxygenated facial softens the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles, minimizes pores, hydrates and nourishes the skin, and revitalizes a dull complexion. Treatments are suitable for all skin types – any ethnicity, pigmentation, even sensitive skin.

How is an Oxygenated Medical Facial done?

First, your medical esthetician will cleanse your skin in preparation for the treatment.

There are three steps to the oxygenenated facial:

1. Exfoliate

The upper skin layer is exfoliated to remove dead cells, smooth and renew the skin, preparing it to receive active nutrients. The oxygenated facial is safe on all skin tones and can treat sensitive skin without any irritation.

2. Infuse

The oxygenate facial cleanses the skin while infusing nutrient-rich active ingredients. When you begin the infusion portion of the treatment, you will choose an infusion for rejuvenation and anti-aging or an infusion for skin brightening and texture improvement.

3. Oxygenate

The oxygenated facial produces CO2 bubbles which gently burst on the skin surface creating a physiological response, sending oxygen-rich blood to the area, increasing capillary flow and skin metabolism. Oxygenation results in optimal absorption of active ingredients.




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