Combination Therapy

We’ve all heard of a holistic approach to health. You know, eating a balanced diet, looking for ways to move our bodies, drinking plenty of water and even setting healthy boundaries. Each of these habits are beneficial in their own unique way but the combination of habits is what really contributes to our health. The same can be said about caring for your skin - taking a holistic approach is often the most optimal way to achieve the results you’ve been looking for - and make them last! 

At Nu Image, it isn’t out of the ordinary for your Medical Esthetician to recommend a combination therapy approach when designing your treatment plan. Combination therapy simply refers to a treatment plan that incorporates a variety of in-clinic treatments, at home skincare and at times medications to help you achieve optimal results! This approach looks at the wider scope of what impacts your skin and what we can do to help you achieve your goals. Keep reading to find out what combination therapy at Nu Image might look like for you.

In-Clinic Treatments

We like to think of in-clinic treatments as the bread and butter of any combination therapy plan. Pre-treatment, your Medical Esthetician will get to know you and your skin as well as learn about your personal skin goals during a consultation. From there they will develop a personalized plan that will provide safe and effective treatment moving you closer to your goals. In-clinic treatment is such an important part of combination therapy as it addresses your skin concerns/condition head-on with Medical Cosmetic technology and tools that are exclusive to the Medical Esthetics industry. 

Skincare Routine 

Having a skincare routine is another essential part of combination therapy. Having a skincare routine that utilizes medical-grade products is what will keep your skin balanced and your concerns at bay. The high amounts of active skincare ingredients found in medical-grade products are what will work every day to keep your skin healthy and provide the longevity of the results you’ve invested in already! If you aren’t already using medical-grade skincare, Nu Image offers a diverse range of products for all skin types & concerns. We offer an online shop or, you can book a complimentary consultation with one of our Medical Estheticians who will help you build a personalized routine! 


When we think about skin and our approach to treating certain conditions, we often think about treatments and skincare products, but what about our lifestyle? Looking at our lifestyle includes looking at our stress levels, hormones, diet and daily habits. When unbalanced, all of these elements can contribute negatively to a pre-existing condition like acne or even outright trigger a condition's onset. These are all elements that your Medical Esthetician might ask you to observe or make changes. These adjustments can take time but the benefits to your health and skin are worth it. 

Pharmaceutical Intervention

Pharmaceutical intervention is typically the last step for many people in their skin journeys but it isn’t something to fear or avoid. When we take a combination therapy approach to treatment we never rule out the possibility of medication to help with a stubborn or persistent concern. If medication becomes something we collectively decide would best suit your situation, your family Physician, or Dermatologist, or our on site Medical Director will be able to provide you with the right prescription for the job. 

Combination therapy, in short, is a holistic approach to treatment where we consider the variety of ways in which we can help balance and treat even the most tenacious of skin concerns. There is always a path towards your ideal skin, sometimes it just takes a little time and an expert's advice to get you there!

Nu Image Medical Esthetics